The 3x times (!) World Champion answers your questions!
Are you planning on cheering again? Are you going back to Great Whites?
I love Great Whites more than anything so although I’m not currently cheering I can’t say I’m done forever.
When did you start cheer? What was the first team you were on?
I started cheer when I was 10. The first team I was on was Cheerforce Wolfpack Junior Level 4.
What keeps you motivated at practice even through the hard parts?
The memories of all the amazing moments that happen as a result of the hard times is what keeps me motivated.
Favorite part and least favorite part of practice?
Favorite part of practice – being around my favorite people in the whole world. Least favorite part – driving home late at night after because I’m so tired.
What’s it like being a world champion and being looked up to by such a large audience?
It’s so cool to be a World Champion and know that so many girls are looking up to me. I never thought I’d be able to say that I’ve won the World Championships 3 times. I didn’t even think I’d ever get a globe, so it’s pretty crazy!
How did you manage going to college and cheer?
Balancing your schedule is super important. I prioritized whatever was most time-sensitive and made sure to constantly take a look at my calendar so that I wouldn’t fall short on anything.
What was it like being on such a high level and high-performance team?

It’s really fun being on a high-performance team. Obviously the practices are hard but it’s such a privilege to be at them.
How do you stay confident and not nervous during a routine?
I’m so confident during my routines because I know I’ve trained the right way so many times. By Worlds, I’ve hit my routine way more times than I haven’t and I find comfort in that.
How often do you condition or hit the gym? What’s your normal workout?
So other than practices I also work out at a boxing gym 3 times a week!
If you were to join any team other than Great Whites, what would it be?
If I were to join another team (if GWs magically didn’t exist because I’d never leave them) I’d probably go to Top Gun OO.
Which GW’s uniform is your favorite?
The newest GW uniform is my favorite.
I got to be a part of the brainstorming process for it and I just love how princessy it is!
Do you have any superstitions/traditions you do for competitions?
I don’t really have any superstitions but my team likes to walk on in the exact same order every time.
Will they make a new season of “Cheer Squad” on Netflix?
There is no more Cheer Squad!
Do you have a favorite GW stunt or routine?
My favorite GW stunt will always be 2015 but my favorite routine was probably 2018.
What’s your favorite competition?
NCA is my favorite competition!!
A huge thank you for your questions and to Becca for answering them! 🦈
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