USASF Considering Changes to Junior Divisions Age Grid

by TheCheerBuzz
the California allstars cheerleading team pyramid

Update: It has now been reported that no changes will be made for this season. We will report on any age grid changes for next season, and if these specific changes are being considered again. See how to stay updated below!

The USASF (U.S. All Star Federation) is asking for feedback from its member coaches and owners about possible changes to the Junior Division Age Grid.

They are considering three options that could allow more athletes to compete in Junior divisions:

  1. No change this season: Keep the current age rules as they are.
  2. Waivers: Allow programs to request a waiver for 1 to 4 athletes whose birth years are outside the current Junior division range. This would apply to athletes born in 2017, 2018, and 2008.
  3. Junior Flex: Add a new age division for athletes born between 2008 and 2018. 

The third option would mean athletes aged 6-16 could be on the same team.

The aim is to accommodate more athletes and help teams that might otherwise have to compete in non-USASF divisions (i.e., compete with other event producers).

Feedback is needed by August 1st, and a decision will be made by August 31st. This change could take effect as soon as this season if approved.

Reading between the lines, it’s pretty clear that the USASF has noticed teams competing at non-USASF events and wants to win back those teams to their events.

For example, the Open Championship Series, another event producer, already has this exact age range (2008-2018) in their Junior Divisions.

👉 See the feedback email sent out here, and the Open Championships age grid here.

Update: USASF Will Not Change the Junior Age Grid

It has now been reported that no changes will be made for this season. We will report on any age grid changes for next season, and if these specific changes are being considered again. See how to stay updated below!

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